Gate Valves


Gate valves are advantageous in applications involving slurries, as their “gates” can cut right through the slurry. They are also used in applications that involve viscous liquids such as heavy oils, light grease, varnish, molasses, honey, cream and other non-flammable viscous
liquids. They are available in large sizes to better handle thick flow. They are excellent for use anywhere a shutoff valve is needed. When needed, they can also be used where throttling capabilities are desired, although this is not generally recommended as erosion of the seat and disc occurs due to the vibrations of the disk in throttling applications.

Gate valves are designed to minimize pressure drop across the valve in the fully opened position and stop the flow of fluid completely. The direction of fluid flow does not change, and the diameter through which the process fluid passes is essentially equal to that of the pipe. Hence, they tend to have minimal pressure drop when opened fully.

Gate valves are used in many industrial applications including the oil and gas industry, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, automotive, and marine.

Non-rising stem gate valves are very popular on ships, in underground applications, or where vertical space is limited because they don’t take up extra space. Gate valves can be used in demanding environments such as high temperature and high pressure environments. They are often seen in power plants, water treatments, mining, and offshore applications.